Thursday, July 17, 2008

Road Rage

On Church Street last Friday, I witnessed, in my rear-view mirror, a cyclist smash the side mirror of a motorist stopped at a red light. This woman took the thing to pieces. The motorist beeped his horn and she gave him the finger and kept going.
When the light changed and the traffic took off the motorist caught up to the cyclist and tried to run her over.

Melbournians - when did we turn into people like this?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Not sure if you pilgrims know, but the pope is actually in Sydney. You've come about 800kms too far.

Also, what is with you guys and acoustic guitars? Please stop singing in our streets, we like to drink our coffee in peace. Peace and QUIET that is, not your peace-be-with-you kind of peace.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Star Spotting

In the last twenty-four hours, just going about my business, I have seen* -
Doc Neeson from the The Angels, Mark Trevorrow aka Bob Downe and Ray from the Hard Ons -
just going about theirs.

*In order of appearance, not celeb status.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Gutless Wonder

I left work late tonight and was walking down beside Balaclava station when some prick scared the shit out of me. I couldn't see him because the coward was hiding, somewhere in the dark, saying nasty things to me in an even nastier voice.
I ran home. I even called the cops.

I feel like a fool and I hate this stranger for doing that to me. I feel scared too now I think, but I'm not ready to go to that part of my brain.

Be careful out there.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Absolutely A Bullshit Artist

This morning I got stuck watching Video Hits because I was too hungover to reach the remote from my prone position on the couch. Vanessa Amorosi was being interviewed beside a horse - as you do. She was being asked about her tattoos and was rabbiting on about "the spiritual 10 commandments" or some such bullocks - I couldn't concentrate on her drivel AND trying to telepathically get a Huey Lewis video on next. What did pique my curiosity and then my outrage was when she said that her tattoos were done by some spiritualist shaman-type person in the States. They were NOT, my mate Macca did them out at Way Cool in Dandenong.

Vanessa Amorosi is a liar - there, I've said it.

Friday, July 4, 2008

I'm back

It's been a long time between drinks dear non-readers, but I've got new means and nothing's gonna stop me now - giddy up!

To the gorgeous soul that has glued those giant letters on the side of the train line at Flinders Street I thank you. If you're coming in from Richmond, just before you enter the station, look to your right. I'm gutted one of the letters fell off before I took my camera to work.
Are you the same person that made the leaping figure out of milk crates on the other side?